California High Speed Rail

Central Valley, CA

The California High-Speed Rail is constructing a new passenger rail line from Sacramento to San Diego California. The design and construction of this rail alignment, approximately 800 miles in length, is being executed by rapid delivery contracts via design/build teams and other supporting contracts.

HKA ‘s contract is for field surveying and right of way mapping for the acquisition of land from Madera County to the City of Bakersfield, a distance of approximately 150 miles.

This project is unique because a right of way is being acquired at the 15% phase of a design/build contract; much earlier than traditional A&E Contracts. With this process, it is imperative that high quality and correct acquisition documents are delivered on a rapid schedule so the property can be acquired prior to the construction start date. Within HKA’s contract reach, HKA is working with four different design/build teams.

Specific tasks that HKA is performing are field surveying, title and monument research, preparation of appraisal maps, resolutions of necessity, and right of way hard copy maps, legal descriptions for takes and reminders, Director’s Deeds, Railroad and Utility exhibits, and records of surveys.

Additionally, HKA helped to develop and enforce CAD standards for the project as well as provide flagging on hundreds of parcels under a rapid schedule. We submitted ROS in five different counties.


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