Project Study Report Route 90
Marina del Rey, CA
Marina del Rey is a coastal community where the land and water is owned entirely by the County of Los Angeles and is leased out to private leaseholders. The area is comprised of marinas, six hotels, rental apartments, condominiums, and retail, office, and restaurant development. In order to improve access to the marina and to relieve congestion on State Route 1 and the local streets, the County of Los Angeles requested HKA to prepare a Project Study Report analyzing the extension and realignment of Route 90 into Admiralty Way.
Project elements included developing and analyzing three alignment and extension alternatives of Route 90, each creating a different intersection point with Route 1. The analysis included developing and defining alternatives while simultaneously balancing traffic operational issues throughout 18 intersections. Jurisdictional and governmental agencies included Caltrans, County of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles, State Coastal Zone Management Agency, Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbor, and the Lincoln Corridor Task Force.
Unique project elements included:
Developing alternatives in a very dense and expensive real estate area
Designing pedestrian and bicycle alternatives with peak hour volumes approaching 750 pedestrian / bikes per hour per intersection
Cost estimates for various types of pedestrian / bicycle bridge
Cumulative projects included the Los Angeles International Airport expansion project, Playa Vista Development, and MTA’s light rail project
Project elements included a Modern Roundabout, at grade separation of Route 90 with Route 1, and a pedestrian/bicyclist bridge
As the Prime Consultant, HKA led Project Development Team meetings, held Community Outreach Workshops, and coordinated efforts of sub-consultants. Specifically, HKA performed project management, geometric design, surveying, right of way engineering, identification of construction easements and impacts, stormwater, value engineering, cost estimates, traffic management plans, and scheduling.
All work elements were completed to Caltrans Metric standards utilizing MicroStation and CAiCE.