Sycamore – Peñasquitos SDG&E New Transmission Line

San Diego, CA

The Sycamore – Peñasquitos project is the construction of a new 230-kV transmission line between existing Sycamore Canyon Substation and Peñasquitos Substation within San Diego County, California. The existing line consists of replacing 8.3 miles of wood H-frame structures, 2.8 miles of new underground transmission line, and 5.5 miles of new line on existing structures.

The alignment of the above ground transmission line is within existing SDG&E right of way and was mostly over open space. However, construction over or within freeways and major arterials were encountered at numerous locations.

For the EIR, HKA identified, described and quantified the anticipated traffic impacts during construction of the proposed alignment, including multiple sites for construction yards. In addition, HKA staff reviewed the impacts for three alternative alignments. Alternative alignments were as much as 6 miles from the proposed alignment and included up to 10 miles of underground transmission line construction in public streets.

HKA’s also identified impacts to public transit routes, bike routes, emergency routes that would be experienced during construction of the transmission line.

For the construction phase, HKA reviewed the traffic control plans and trained environmental monitors on how to implement the plans in the field effectively and safely.

HKA coordinated with four different public agencies and jurisdictions which included the City of Poway, the City of San Diego, the county of San Diego and Caltrans.

HKA also identified potential impacts to local businesses and reviewed the Construction Transportation Management Plan.

HKA’s suggested contact information be incorporated into the plan and additional considerations made for emergency services, hospitals, public transit and local businesses.


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